Is your High School Senior Ready For College?
Take advantage before they go to college to strengthen their learning skills.
College-bound students can benefit from our 1 -on -1 program by helping them boost their memory, attention and processing skills. The program can be modified to the student's schedule and can be done as intensive as 3 hours a day for a 6 week period!

What Can We Help Improve?
Improve Attention
Better Mental Processing
Ability to Think Faster
Boost Self Confidence
Enhance Reading Skills
Develop Math Skills
Problem Solving
Visualizing and Listening
Reading Fluency
Ability to shift from one task to another
Study Strategies
Test Taking Skills
Vanessa’s grades have stayed at A & B. She still finds tests difficult but has better preparation skills. She has continued to do very well in her singing and made productions for theatre. Only 24 kids made the class out of 100 who tried out. She has more confidence in herself and will try anything she has a desire to do without being afraid. She is in her 4th year of German and will continue in college. She's a Senior this year and we feel very blessed and thankful that she did this program! It will help her the rest of her life! -Kimberley