Executive Function Summer Workshops
Developing and strengthening executive function skills can help students become more independent and better able to manage their time, schoolwork, homework, social life, and more.
As the students proceed through each workshop, they will be asked to consider each area and how it relates to their own life and the decisions and choices they are facing right now or in the near future.
Students will apply these life skills to give them real-life practice in having more control and mastery over multiple aspects of their lives.

Executive Function Skills Include:
Time Management
Organisation and materials management
Memory and active listening
Attention awareness and control
Managing multiple tasks
Analyzing and problem solving
Flexible thinking
Emotional regulation and control
These 2-week workshops will focus on specific areas of executive function. Each workshop is a stand-alone unit, and clients may choose any or all workshops that best meet their needs.
Students will attend 1.5 hours per day over 10 sessions. for a total of 15 hours per workshop.
Before starting, students will be screened to ensure they are ready for the program. $57.00 Material Fee will be charged as a deposit once we determine the student is ready to start the program.
The cost is $187.00 per workshop (military, first responders, and educators discounts available)
Ready to get started or want more information? Please complete the form below and we will contact you no later than the next business day.
Workshop Schedule:
Foundations of an Exceptional Student Dates June 3 – June 15
The student will learn a variety of the best note-taking methods and how and when to apply each. Efficient study strategies and good test-taking skills will also be covered.
Organization in a Multitasking World Dates June 17 – June 28
Students will learn to estimate the time required for daily activities and how to set and maintain a schedule by prioritizing events, activities, and tasks. Multi-tasking and the importance of allocating resources will also be covered.
Learning Skills (In and Out of the Classroom) Dates July 8 – 19
Processing skills like working memory, attention, active listening and self-monitoring of social interactions and emotional control will be covered. Students will explore how to handle change easily, how to adjust their behaviors according to the task at hand, how to control impulsiveness and what it means to delay gratification.
Foundations of Critical Thinking Dates July 22 - Aug 2
This session will focus on critical thinking skills such as logic/reasoning and applying appropriate strategies, structured problem solving, and reading for meaning.