
Dyslexia is an inherited condition that makes it extremely difficult to read, write and spell despite having at least average intelligence. Approximately 15% of the population has dyslexia, the severity of which can range from mild to severe. Many are never diagnosed. Dyslexia has NOTHING to do with overall intelligence, but with the ability to process individual sounds in words, which in turn affects word recognition, decoding and spelling.
How do I know if my child has dyslexia?
Thanks to years of research, the early warning signs are well-established. Many of these symptoms can be detected as early as preschool. If your child shows 3 or more symptoms, call 1-844-TX-LEARN to schedule a free consultation and learn more about the testing process.
A Learning Foundations’ dyslexia assessment will determine whether your child fits the dyslexic profile. This comprehensive process includes a combination of standardized tests, informal measures and work samples from school. Reviewing information about a student’s educational and family history is also a key part of the process. Students with the dyslexic profile have a unique pattern of strengths and weaknesses and a different way of learning. The sooner this unique profile is discovered, the sooner your student can be on the path to comfortable, independent reading, writing and learning.
Dyslexia Warning Signs Checklist
- Delayed speech
- Mixing up the sounds or syllables in long words
- Slow, choppy or inaccurate reading
- Difficulty sounding out unknown words
- Trouble with math (memorizing math facts; word problems)
- Poor spelling
- Confuses “b” and “d”
- Large discrepancy between verbal and written communication
- Close relative with difficulty reading, writing, or spelling
Dyslexia comes with many challenges as well as many gifts. It is important that your child is taught in a way that plays to his or her strengths so they understand they are highly capable and talented in many areas.
Dyslexia Challenges
- Trouble memorizing by repetition
- Poor spelling
- Confusion of right and left
- Slow, choppy and inarticulate reading
Dyslexia Gifts
- Highly creative and artistic
- Excellent problem solvers
- Very empathetic and intuitive
- Superior visual-spatial skills

Contact Us
San Antonio
Northwoods Shopping Center (281 & 1604)18130 U.S. HWY 281 Suite 102
San Antonio, TX 78232
215 West Bandera Rd., Ste. 105Boerne, TX 78006
Have More Questions?
There is no magic pill that “cures” dyslexia. However, any child CAN learn to read and write. Research by the National Institutes of Health show 95% of poor readers can be brought up to grade level if they receive help as early as 1st grade. It is never too late to teach a child with reading difficulties, but the longer you wait, the harder it will be for your child to catch up. Save your child years of pain and frustration and get your child the help he needs today. Attend our FREE Parent Information Seminar and finally get your questions answered.
Sign Up by clicking on the button below and filling out the form OR give us a call at 1-844-TX-LEARN to tell us about your child.